of all consumer recommend a brand with CSR focus! Today, the IT department
is probably the corporate function with the darkest ecological foot print. Not
much is being done to improve the situation - jeopardising the corporate brand
in the digital era. Leaving responsibility to someone (outsourcing) else is not
good enough!”
73% of consumers across the 15 biggest markets in the world are willing to
recommend a company that they perceive to be delivering on Corporate Social
Responsibility (source: ReputationInstitue.com). But regardless of 50-100
million USD of annual CSR investments, only 5% of companies in these markets
live up to what this promised. In fact, approximately 60% of all consumers
state companies cannot be trusted in supporting a sustainable environment.
is key in today’s digital environment to build corporate brand and customer
perception. Companies without an ethical and sustainable brand have simply no
place in today’s business society. There are obviously many ways of building
reputation (for example: moments of truth and social marketing) but CSR work
has increased in importance. Companies are spending more money than ever before
on creating a socially responsive brand built on ethics and sustainability than
ever before. Unfortunately, CSR work is concentrated to the communication
and/or PR department and is seldom integrated in the business strategy and
business operations. Also, CSR work is mainly taking its starting point from
personal emotions and feelings rather than facts and strategic reasoning. It is
still considered a “feel good” practice.
question we must ask ourselves is whether a company should engage in social
responsibility? Isn’t the main objective of a firm to generate shareholder
value? Well, maybe not completely. Today, the value of the brand is the basis
of competitiveness and customer reputation (spread by word of month). For
example, companies haunted by environmental or financial scandals lose the
trust of the public and consumers choose another brand that is more aligned to
their own ethical standards. In order to achieve shareholder value – the
company need to display an ethical brand.
Social Corporate Responsibility: “economic,
legal, ethical, and discretionary expectations that society has of
organizations at a given point in time.” (Carrol and Bucholtz, 2003)
studying CSR facts and figure presented in annual reports – they are mainly
focusing on production of commodities and investments. What I find interesting
is that most production seems to be ok – until it is caught in the eye of
media. Then millions of USD is donated to charity to rebuild trust with its
consumers. But hardly any fact and figures relate to the IT organization. This
is strange considering that the IT department has huge impact on the society
(economical, legal, environmental, and discretionary) by the consumption of
infrastructure, software, laptops, printers, screens and phones. Does anyone
know were these actually are produced and where they end up after replacement?
I do not think so.
fact is that most IT equipment is produced in countries like China,
Philippines, and Malaysia under horrible working conditions in the cheapest
way. The equipment is then shipped off to another “poor country” to deal with
the IT waste. It is not our problem. The problem is that no one seems to take responsibility
or understand the complete picture – and nothing is done to change the
situation. Most IT department has outsourced the procurement of IT equipment –
not wanting to know what the global impact is.
couple of years ago, I worked in a large IT organization and “green IT” was
launched to display some CSR thinking. The purpose was to attract younger
employees with a social conscious. The project was limited to turning of the PC
when leaving the office. What is that? The message of having “green IT” has
more important than actually doing anything. At the same time, millions of USD
was spent on IT equipment from an outsourcing provider with no questions asked
about how and where this equipment was produced or terminated. This is not an
isolated incident.
at the corporation, they spend large amounts to paint a social responsible
picture of them but at the same time look away from the biggest impact on
society (environment and working conditions) – IT equipment!! Mainly – we don’t
care. My point of view is that IT is still driven from an Operational
Excellence perspective to “deliver IT” to the lowest cost selecting outsourcing
vendors to fulfill that task. But digitalization is changing all that. Today,
the IT department must support customer engagement and the brand – and take a
social responsibility in all dimensions of their work. Leaving the
responsibility to someone else is not good enough! Responsibility starts by the
ambition and willingness to make a difference – not looking way from the problem
and leaving responsibility to someone else.
what can we do? It is clear that the business case for investing in CSR is
fairly good. A small investment in CSR will result in improved reputation and
therefore there is not excuse for not investing in IT CSR. There are a few
steps to take to CSR assuring the IT organization.
the impact of the IT organization on the UN Global Compact principles. Does the
IT department align to these principles in all its activities?
Set up
principles and an action plan to drive the IT CSR work. It is never too late to
how IT can cooperate with business, marketing and Communication to drive the
CSR question.
CSR as a key strategic objectives for IT and set up KPI:s to measure the progress.
Sofigate –
we are experts in analyzing the IT organization alignment to the UN Global
Compact Principles and developing a CSR change agenda.
I must
say that I am often skeptical to learn about corporate social responsibility
project, because I know too well the global footprint of the IT department. The
question I ask myself is what I can do to support the UN Global Compact
principles. Well, my ambition is to spread awareness and help IT department to
take the first step. It is important o understand that the cheap servers or
memory we purchase from a vendor has a much higher price in terms of corporate
reputation. It is time to act today!!
– Hans Gillior:
Senior Advisor (Sofigate)
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