At least in terms of
social responsibility
Does the CEO of your company have a daughter? If so, that may be a good
Firms led by CEOs with at least one daughter score an average of 11.9% higher
than other S&P 500 companies on corporate social responsibility (CSR)
metrics such as diversity, community, employee relations, product, environment,
and human rights. These companies also spend 13.9% more of their net incomes on
improving such metrics than the median-scoring firm.
The findings are the result of an analysis by Henrik Cronqvist of the
University of Miami, and Frank Yu of China Europe International Business
School. They mapped the CSR ratings of 379 S&P 500 companies alongside
information about those CEOs’ children.
“The literature in economics, psychology, and sociology suggests that
women tend to care more about the well-being of other people and of society
than men do, and that female children can increase those sympathies in their
parents,” Cronqvist explained in an interview with the Harvard Business Review.
He pointed to research showing that U.S. members of Congress with
daughters are more likely vote liberally, especially on issues of reproductive
rights. Similarly, another study reveals U.S. Court of Appeals judges with
daughters are more likely to rule liberally on cases related to gender.
But what about having more than one daughter? Does that
“Ratings for and spending on CSR at companies did increase the more
daughters a CEO had,” Cronqvist explained to Harvard Business Review, “but the
effect wasn’t linear. Just having the treatment (a daughter) mattered much more
than the dosage (the number of daughters).”
-Money Magazine
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