is no wonder Canadians cannot retire. Both the federal and provincial budgets
adhered to the tried-and-true formula of the past 50 years – austerity, low
corporate taxes and reducing the deficit. Since the 1970s during the oil crisis
and subsequent recession, governments around the world have been cutting
corporate taxes in an effort to stimulate their economies.
Fast-forward 50 years
later with corporate taxes at all-time lows and it has become apparent throwing
money at the private sector hasn’t worked and does not work – except to enrich
big multinationals. This is the consensus of the vast majority of economists
and political scientists other than those attached to the corporate teat.
Reducing corporate
taxes has come at a steep price of perpetual austerity making retirement a
modern luxury. Cuts to pension entitlements, social programs, infrastructure
spending, public transit, wages, benefits and full-time work have all been born
by the working public to pay for the reductions in corporate social
Every cut in
corporate or small business taxes comes directly out of the pockets of
hard-working Canadians to make up the difference or through cuts to government
For more than 50
years governments have been consistently downloading the costs of corporate tax
cuts on to consumers and working people. The introduction of the HST off-loaded
15 per cent of corporate taxation on to the working public. This while the
richest sectors like the investment industry that make billions of dollars each
year escape taxation, trillions of dollars of personal and corporate wealth are
parked in offshore tax havens, corporate balance sheets are bursting with cash
and CEOs salaries like that of Barrick Gold go up 35 per cent while the company
share price declines by a similar amount.
Still the private
sector cries poor. The minister of finance describes the economy as fragile.
Let them eat cake. It is truly an Orwellian world we live in where the 1 per
cent are completely detached from reality.
It is time the
Canadian public cried “enough” and began demanding a reversal of the failed
economic policy of lowering corporate taxes at the price of dismantling our
entire civil society. We have an opportunity to do so in the federal election
in the fall.
Someone needs to have
the courage to lead this push-back against corporate robbery. If one country
took a stand – perhaps others would follow until greedy and ruthless businesses
and the people who run them and profit from them had nowhere to hide. We – that
includes our governments as well – need to stop pretending the private sector has
our best interests in mind and take a stand. We need to start looking after our
own collective public interests once again and require our politicians do that
for us.
We can do no better
than to demand higher social compensation through taxation from the businesses
that ply their trade in our country and that we work so hard to make profitable
with so little recompense. The rabble needs to get a spine.
-Robert Bahlieda
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