prologue to his new book, Connect: How
Companies Succeed By Engaging Radically With Society,
John Browne, the former CEO of BP, remembers walking through the lobby of a
hotel in Fort Worth, Texas in late May, 2010. A row of televisions, each tuned
to a different network, was showing the same image of oil gushing from BP’s
stricken Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico. “For a second,” Browne
writes, “I felt relieved no longer to be in charge. Quickly, though, these
images and the scathing commentary made me angry. How had this happened? BP was
going to be torn apart.”
When, at the
beginning of October, Browne addressed a Prospect roundtable
supported by theInstitute of Corporate Social
Responsibility and Sustainability (ICRS),
and held at the London HQ of the Chartered Management Institute, there was a
similar sense of “There but for the grace of God go I.” A few days before the
meeting it had emerged that German car giant Volkswagen had been cheating
emissions tests in the United States.
their research for the book, Browne and his co-authors, Robin Nuttall and Tommy
Stadlen, surveyed company executives, 89 per cent of whom believed that
“companies have a moral responsibility to address societal and environmental issues
that go beyond legal requirements.” At the roundtable, Browne said that he and
his colleagues had attempted to calculate the “risk [for a company] of having
the wrong relationship with society”—of neglecting those aspects of their
activity that go beyond narrowly legal requirements, in other words.
estimated it was about 30 per cent.” As it happens, after the emissions scandal
broke, VW’s stock price fell by the same amount. “That is not meant to be the
perfect, single-point validation of the theory [put forward in the book],” he
went on, “but it’s an interesting observation.”
In Connect, Browne
identifies two competing paradigms for thinking about business, both of which
he finds wanting: the first is shareholder value; the second is Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR). Shareholder value, he argues, rightly remains central to
business thinking, but it is “fundamentally incomplete.
It captures part of
what should and does drive people, but not everything.” What about CSR? Browne
told the meeting that “corporate social responsibility has become a sticking
plaster [for many companies], less and less connected to the centre of
business.” He recalled something that Howard Davies, the former chairman of the
Financial Services Authority, had once said to him: “We carry out our business
and, on Friday afternoon, we think about CSR for half an hour.”
therefore, is trying to steer a course between the narrow obsession with
shareholder value, on the one hand, and the shortcomings of CSR, as conventionally
understood, on the other. He told the meeting that his theory of “radical
engagement” between business and society has four main principles.
“Businesses do well when they have a good understanding of the world around
them and of their place in the world.” Businesses, and business executives,
should be wary of hubris, Browne warned. “Businesses sometimes think they
control the world,” he said. “They don’t. They are controlled by the world.
Business is there as a servant.
“[Businesses] need to understand better how to communicate their total
contribution to society.” Top executives, Browne observed, tend to be
preoccupied with the rhythm of quarterly results, to the exclusion of other
activities that make a social contribution. These, he argued, should be
construed as being part of a company’s central “purpose”.
It follows from this that corporate social responsibility should be “part of
the performance contract [of a business] and evaluated as such.”
“In an inter-connected world, it is important not to engage or communicate only
when you have to.” Business engagement with society should be “radical,” not
grudging and episodic.
Chairing the meeting,
Jonathan Derbyshire, Managing Editor of Prospect, noted
that the first chapter of Connect is entitled “The Nothing New”. Browne
shows that there has been mistrust of and hostility towards businesses as long
as there have been businesses. But isn’t it the case, Derbyshire asked, that
anti-business feeling has been especially acute since the global financial
crisis of 2008, and doesn’t that make the arguments in the book even more
urgent today than they might have been before?
should always expect a percentage of the population to be hostile to business,”
Browne said. “But it shouldn’t be too large a percentage. If gets too large,
you have a real problem. Occasionally the needle gets close to the majority
more often than is healthy. And certainly the global financial crisis did just
that with banking, which raised the danger of cutting off the lubricant of
then invited Claudine Blamey, Chair of the ICRS, to respond to Browne’s remarks
about the limitations of CSR. Blamey insisted that large companies are, for the
most part, rising to the challenge of social engagement that Browne identifies
in the book. “But small organisations,” she said, “still haven’t quite got to
grips with it.”
went on: “I agree that the term ‘CSR’ is probably dead or dying. But there is a
lot of integration going on—[the notion of] ‘purpose’ is changing for lots of
organisations, with shareholder value being seen as the outcome rather than the
goal. You’re hearing words like ‘resilience’ rather than ‘sustainability’ or
‘responsibility.’ The really hard bit of all this is considering the whole
value chain and integrating [CSR] into everything [a business does].”
Browne agreed that
large companies are rethinking their approach to CSR and, as Blamey noted, in
many cases changing the way they talk about it. Even more significantly, he
went on, “in many cases, thinking about a business’s relationship with society
is changing strategy, not just being incorporated
into it.”
And it is only if
strategy changes in this way that, as Browne puts it in the conclusion to Connect, “companies
will be an enormous force for good in the future… The connected firms of the
future will push the boundaries of human possibilities in their question to
contribute. They will not fracture their bonds with society.”
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